Music shortened our distance

2 min readJan 24, 2021


I still remember the day when I first hear that music on concert — — It’s on the 2019 Altamira International Guitar Arts Festival. It’s also the first time I saw a formal concert. The most impressive one is Xianji Liu’s performance, especially the Domenico Scarlatti’s Sonata K.492 that he played.

When the first few jumping notes are played, it was deeply attracted to my ears. The opening notes are really quick, gives me a feeling of enthusiasm. Keep listening, whole of this piece has bright rhythm and joyful spirit. I though it kind of the style of Spanish music. Sonata K.492 was originally a piece for the keyboard, but through his awesome playing, I guess this piece is better suited to the guitar! His timbre is really perfect which light and powerful, also keeps the tone clear. When the last note is played, I felt something inside. At that moment, it deepens my faith that to studying music. Because I really want to be a guitarist like him.

Xianji Liu’s video

I really enjoy this piece of music, though that’s the first time I listen it. After that festival, Altamira have been held in other Chinese cities at summer of 2019. He was a guest at three of them, and he played this piece every time. Without doubt I was attended as an audience from one time to the next. Since live version has different experience with recording. I also took his master classes in the audience, he’s such a kind teacher.

2019 was going to be bad for me, but I felt better after that summer. The failure of the college entrance examination in the first half of the year gave me a great blow, I even thought about giving up music. But I seem to have found the reason to work hard. I began to devote myself to the guitar. I’m particularly interested in sonatas. Till today, my favorite genre still Sonata.

I’m not sure whether it was him that influenced me, or the pieces. Maybe both of them. But always keep in my mind. Now I got my wish and entered the university and start learning more about music. I still listen to K.492 from time to time, or watch Xianji Liu’s videos. Hopefully, I can play this piece when my skills are up to scratch in the near future!

His signature!

